

Waterproofing of terraces


The existence of some critical points in the waterproofing or in the wear and tear caused rainfall, tends to lead to the appearance of leaks in roofs and terraces.

Without proper treatment, it is only a matter of time before damp and leaks appear inside our homes, garages, etc.

To address this issue, there are many roof waterproofing systems and solutions.  We work with the following:

Polyurethane membrane

Great elasticity and resistance against wear and tear and, once applied, this lends great stability and durability.


Colloquially known as “anti-drip rubber”, these materials have great waterproofing and self-levelling qualities, and like polyurethane membranes, they allow for pedestrian traffic.

Either of these two systems/solutions must be accompanied by the implementation of a special veil/coat which provides greater hardness and durability as well as guaranteeing that the material will remain fissure free.

These procedures are always implemented bearing in mind the recommendations of the manufacturers and even guaranteeing - in some cases, such as with polyurethane membrane, - durability for up to 25 years.


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